
2009, the last of the notties .


i'm sitting here, trying to think of the highlights of the last year, and i must admit that 2009 was a pretty good year for me. a good year to me is one that sees a gradual change and improvement of myself in certain aspects of my life. in this instance, it's my academic growth and achievement as well as fashion sense and style. besides that, my relationships with my family, boyfriend and friends have also strengthened in each of their own way.

it seems too good to be true innit? i know. nothing's perfect and there were inevitably some obstacles along the way, mainly procrastination and lack of discipline. and i'm normally not one who believes in reflecting on my life ONLY at the end of the year but since i've started this blog as a platform for my random musings and what not, i thought, why not write it all down for memory? so, here it is - my  highlights and downers of 2009:

(:  moving into an apartment with gaoster and adding it with our own homely touch.
(: graduating from Monash University with First Class Honours and having the whole family around.
(: starting this blog which lead me to getting to know so many wonderful people out there.
(: visiting Sydney three times!

): not writing my thesis to the best that i could have.
): hearing from gaoster that he'll be going to Manchester University for a year long exchange (even though i had highly encouraged him to do so)

i hope your 2009 has been a good one too!


  1. Congrates on all the smileys! I think we will constantly feel that we could have done better for our studies/work. I constantly wish for a chance to go back to uni again so that I can TRY to study every week instead of studying only 3 weeks before the exam.

    Then I went back to do my Masters. Realised I still only study 3 weeks before exams. Nothing changed!!! Lol! Now I am just happy I don't have to study. For a while. At least.

  2. Sounds like you had a great year! Looks like you had a lovely NYE too :) Hope you have an even better 2010! xx

  3. bowsnhearts: yeah it does happen that way, doesn't it? we always wish we had done certain things certain way but when we're given the chance to actually do it, we're still repeating the same old actions. d'oh!
    haha yes no more studies, at least for a while indded. (:

    aelie: thanks girl! (:

  4. It looks like you had a pretty eventful year! And there are more ups than downs there, which is excellent :)
    My year involved too much MOVING HOUSE! Gah! But apart from that, it's been not too bad...I'm looking forward to a fresh shiny new year though anyway!

  5. dollyasylum: yeah it's been pretty eventful in a good sense!
    moving house is such a pain! i hope where you are now is the best house! hehe. i'm sure 2010 will be a shiny one for you (:
